Progressive Web App (PWA) VS Native App

First, what is the difference ?

A native application is an application that must be downloaded on iOS or Android. A web application is a highly specialized mobile website that does not require any application download.

The main advantage of web applications is the removal of the installation constraint on mobile devices. In fact, 90% of users are frustrated when they have to download an app to buy a product or try a service.

A native application is quickly uninstalled. 5.8 days is the average number of days that they remain installed on a user’s mobile.

The main causes of uninstallation are: not enough space on the phone and persistant bugs.

Of course, these problems do not exist with a Web Application as there are no storage and automatic updates.

Web applications are booming thanks to three factors:

– Google

– lower price of development

– 70% more usage than a native app

Concrete case of improvement of KPIs and ROI following the launch of a Web application :


Time spent : +40%

Advertising revenue : +44%

Main commitments : +60%

Lancôme Paris

Mobile revenue : +36%

Loading time : 1,7 sec


Conversion rate : +104%

Time spent per session : +74%

Pages visited : x2


Loading time : +60%

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